

If there was a trampoline in our backyard this would be me and Troy and Kit. I'd probably call you up and ask you to jump with us. And you could bring all your friends too.
There's a big reason to celebrate this week at 509 Fountain....Kit has ditched diapers. And in a big way. Only one accident since Sunday night. No wet sheets either. This girl's got it mastered. It only took a Jedi mind-trick to make it happen: We told Kit she couldn't get Dora wet (Dora's on her undies) and she couldn't get Frosty wet (he's on her pj's) or he'd melt. It worked and it worked big time. I'd do it again too, but a lot sooner. Potty training has seemed to drag on and on and on........Congratulations Liam-you're getting some free size 5 diapers:)



A Pretty View

A Sunday outing with the Finley Family.


They Played, Cooked & Played Some More

Saturday together was the best.


The Before

Troy scraped, and scraped, and scraped, and scraped some more. The paint went on like butter...


And then She Slept...

Bedtime is going to start earlier this Fall as the days get shorter. Troy and I have decided that 9:30 is waaayyyyy to late for this cat to be awake. (Don't ask why we hadn't thought about starting our bedtime rituals earlier in the evening?!) But when she falls asleep....she sleeps.