1. 7:30 am coffee
2. 9:00 pancake breakfast at the Pointer Cafe....Papa Bill stopped by too
3. 10:00 flu shot with Kit...:( You guessed right...kicking, screaming, and tears made it that much more memorable
4. 10:30 vintage sale....one more aqua vase for the kitchen collection
5. 11:30 grocery store stop...incase you're wondering Kit didn't get the purple gumball
6. 12:30pm park...I think we're going to start calling the park down the street "Old Faithful"...we never tire of it
7. 1:30 bargain nook run...used 20% off coupon to score some LE Canvas deals
8. 2:30 nap time...yup, the both of us
9. 6:00 hobo dinner supper at church up the street...why don't more people go? stew was sooo good!
10. 6:45 quick walk around the block in the dark
11. 8:30 movie time...a sweet animated movie about a villian who adopts three girls and shrinks the moon
12. 10:00 story time...I know, bedtime came late tonight...but remember we had a three hour nap earlier:)
Kit and I had a great day bumming around while Troy actually accomplished something....he got a gutter replaced on the house. In true Troy Finley fashion it ended up taking a bit longer than expected, but is always worth the wait cuz it looks great!
Now I'm just wishing that the weekend won't end.....*C