
Baby Stroller

Remember when I said that Kit only wants to swing? When she's not swinging, she wants to play with baby stroller. Inside, outside, everywhere. She loves that d*mn baby & stroller.

Henry Vilas Zoo

Kit and I went to the Zoo for the first time this year. We had a great time and managed to look at the giraffes three times cuz she liked them so much. She loves being around other kids and it's super cool to hear her call-out animals. She's talking a lot....

Whose Daughter?

Is this Gretchen Bell's daughter??? A striking resemblance...just missing some lipstick:)


This ain't right....

I Help....

Kit helps with lots of things: getting into her carseat, pushing the cart at the grocery store, flushing the toilet, taking dishes out of the dishwasher, folding laundry, helping Dad with the new kitchen. Hope she keeps this up for awhile:)


Summer is Coming...

We're stocked-up on summer essentials at our house: hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, bathing suits, tank tops, kiddie swimming pool. The only thing we don't have is a swing and a slide in our backyard which Kit asks for every morning. No joke-this kid wants to be at the park ALL the time:)

The Shiner

Going the wrong way up the stairs. The first of many more to come.