
Keeping you in the Kitchen Loop

The kitchen is a bit more pulled together than this. Although, there are some things which haven't made the leap from old kitchen to new kitchen yet. I promise we'll have it done by the end of this month....what's a few more days? All in good time.


Kit caught the Flu

I had to take one pathetic photo of her...the bug took Kit down for about three days:(

I got to stay home with her to snuggle, watch Dora, and eat goldfish crackers.

I hope she liked cuddling with me as much as I did her....almost felt like she was a baby again.



Papa Bill left Kit, Roen & Liam to feed the cows this weekend at Red Gate Farms.


Ahhh....Oui Paris!

Katie, Pape & Idrissa have been galavanting around France the past two weeks and are headed home soon. How many stamps does Idrissa have in his passport?


It all Started Last Week

This kitchen has been a year-in-the-making. KStyle is responsible for the design, Carey Cabinetry & Carpentry built and installed the cabinets, Troy Finley is responsible for countless hours of skim-coating, painting, sanding, electrical...the list could go on & on. I have helped on a much smaller scale...Do the three days I spent painting (and b*tching about) the interior cabinets count?
We are almost there. Paint is going on the cabinets this week and we have to hurry-up and wait for it to dry. By the end of this month we will also have countertops. And we will also have very empty pocket books.............We can't wait!