- Kit turned 1! Big day and big party...lots of fun; she can't wait until the next one.
- The Park....'nuf said.
- Milwaukee's Zoo....the coolest zoo yet and we didn't see 1/2 of it! Roen, Brody & Kit had lots to look at. Definitely going back.
- Vilas Zoo....sooooo many people got "Hi's" from Kit that day. Troy helped her measure her wingspan in the photo below.
- Ice cream at the new shop downtown. Kit doesn' t have a favorite, but she's had her fair share of Blue Moon.
- Kit's outdoor playhouse....she's still fascinated with the doorbell, but there's so much more play-potential this shack has which she'll realize next summer.
- Watching the puppies across the street from our front door. She's a regular talking barn-yard now....mooing, ruffing, heeing, baaaing if you ask her to:)
- Helping Mom, Dad & Grandma water the flowers with her own duck watering can.
- More teeth arriving weekly....good for her in the long run, but we all miss the sleep when they're popping through.
- We're one step closer to Halloween......a chicken or a princess????? Big dilemma.
End of Summer
The 10 best things about Summer of '09: