I am 30 years old today.
I can't wait for all this decade could bring: a painted house, a new kitchen, finding the perfect light fixture for our new kitchen, welcoming new nieces & nephews, Kit starting school, a bigger family, my husband finally being happy at work, 10 Christmases, seeing the ocean once again with my husband, taking Kit to see our Nat'l Parks, enjoying time with my Mom & Dad, realizing more & more that I like spending time with all our families, becoming a more patient cook, understanding that it really is okay if the house is "clean enough," living in the country, making time for all the home projects I say I'm going to help with, being more patient with Kit, kicking my swearing habit, buying stock in New Glarus Brewing, and contributing a respectable amount of $ to my 401K.
I hope that when I look back on my 30's I'll feel like life isn't just passing me by, that I'll have come to realize (and put into practice) that my life is what I make it.