I like lists...and post-its. Anything that will help me organize what I should be doing next. Because sometimes I get kinda lost on a tangent and need to be brought back to reality. I get teased about my list-making and it doesn't bother me, because I will never stop having one. It makes more space for other stuff in my brain when I take pen to paper and write it down.
When my to-do list is getting a bit long and not doable, which is 99% of the time, I transfer a lot on the list to my "L8R/Someday" list. Stuff to get done when Kit is at Grandma & Grandpa's or when I'm on vacation. My wish list is getting longer right now as I plan a week of projects to get done at the end of May. I'm not so sure much will get done. (The good thing is I've got a three month cushion to get most of it done, right?! We currently are counting down only 100 more days before baby...BB.)
And as Mother's Day has passed and I make a mental list of all the women in my life that helped me become who I've become and more importantly helped shape the mother I am and am always aspiring to be....I see the list above and realize now why it's so easy for "my" list to be pushed to the wayside as "our Finley Family" list is soooo much more important. I like this refresher list which makes me realize that even though I sometimes think this parenting-thing is too much for me to handle, if I nail the 12 commandments above, we're doing okay. And right now, when our family life is going to get a lot more focused and a bit smaller in scope after baby, AB, I need to remember this list and know that, yes, I am accomplishing something...sometimes, I just can't see it enough to check-it-off the list.