
End of Summer

The 10 best things about Summer of '09:
  1. Kit turned 1! Big day and big party...lots of fun; she can't wait until the next one.
  2. The Park....'nuf said.
  3. Milwaukee's Zoo....the coolest zoo yet and we didn't see 1/2 of it! Roen, Brody & Kit had lots to look at. Definitely going back. 
  4. Vilas Zoo....sooooo many people got "Hi's" from Kit that day. Troy helped her measure her wingspan in the photo below. 
  5. Ice cream at the new shop downtown. Kit doesn' t have a favorite,  but she's had her fair share of Blue Moon.
  6. Kit's outdoor playhouse....she's still fascinated with the doorbell, but there's so much more play-potential this shack has which she'll realize next summer.
  7. Watching the puppies across the street from our front door. She's a regular talking barn-yard now....mooing, ruffing, heeing, baaaing if you ask her to:)
  8. Helping Mom, Dad & Grandma water the flowers with her own duck watering can. 
  9. More teeth arriving weekly....good for her in the long run, but we all miss the sleep when they're popping through.
  10. We're one step closer to Halloween......a chicken or a princess????? Big dilemma.