Did you know that you can do whatever you put your mind to? That you were born with the ability to affect your life; to change what you want to? You deserve to be happy, and your life should be as positive for you as you can make it. Don't rely on others' help or let others' opinions steer you down a road of indecision. You can be an astronaut, a statesperson, a farmer, an electrician, a school bus driver, a singer, a decision-maker, a world-traveler, a race car driver, a teacher, an architect. You don't have to decide right away either....take your time. We want to make sure that you know that if you put your heart into it...."it" can be yours. I hope that we can help nurture the things you love to do when you're younger. I hope we can help you understand that is important to care about yourself and others, to read and write, to believe in yourself, to have friends and love your family, to be as positive as you can, be forgiving, and be honest with your word. We will help you along as much as we can, but we can only do so much. The rest is up to you.
PS--I know this is deep for a 2.5 year old, since you can't read and may not know some of the words. But, don't worry...someday you will know exactly what we're talking about.